
What We Do and How We Work

The Augsburg University Staff Senate shall serve Augsburg University and its staff by providing a forum to foster and promote a positive and meaningful dialogue among staff, faculty, students and administration by advising in decision making processes, by serving as an advocate for staff, by promoting professional development opportunities, and by recognition of staff’s contributions to furthering and upholding the mission and values of Augsburg University. See the Staff Senate Bylaws.

Staff Senate 2023-24

Christopher Bogen, Institutional Advancement*

Anna Cox, Admissions**

Tristan Crowell, Multicultural/Campus Life

Jenean Gilmer, Sabo Center

Erika Hernandez, Multicultural Life**

Abraham Johnson, Admissions

Michael Reeder, Academic Affairs

*2022-23 co-chairs

** At large

Augsburg University Staff Senate is here for YOU! We are excited about the new academic year, and we want staff to know how to engage us as a resource. Our mission is to serve as an advocate for staff, promote professional development opportunities, recognize staff contributions to the University, and foster and promote positive and meaningful dialogue across campus. We meet twice monthly, participate in various campus committees, host educational and social events, communicate with the Office of the President, and take concerns via our online form, email, and in person.

Sharing Staff Concerns

If you would like to contact Staff Senate you can use the online form (anonymous option) or email us concerns, issues or observations at staffsenate@augsburg.ac.

The feedback form is designed to allow Augsburg employees an opportunity to provide input to the Staff Senate, positive or negative. The form may be submitted anonymously. Please provide your contact information if you would like a member of Staff Senate to follow up with you. Your feedback will be discussed at our next available meeting time. If you would like to provide in-person feedback, we invite you to attend our open forums as well.